Dexter Kendrick
3 min readNov 19, 2020


Psychic Development Lesson 3: Receive

In our last assignment we advanced from creating a visualization, to destroying that visualization and crafting another. The purpose of those two exercises was to strengthen your powers of focus and concentration which will be useful and necessary when providing readings for your future clientele. Now that you are familiar with how to create a visualization, describe it in detail, and then change its energy by destroying it at will, you are ready to move on to the next exercise which will move you closer to your goal of becoming a master clairvoyant reader.

This next exercise I have entitled “Receive”. It is a phenomenal experience to open yourself as a vessel or reception of information. We actually pick up information from our environment all the time. Most of the time we only consciously register information that is coming in at louder volumes. As a psychic, you will be required to heighten your sensitivity so as to be able to access the more subtle vibrations of energy in your environment, and from your clients. This includes remnants of the past, probable outcomes of the future, and connection with deceased loved ones (should you choose).


Obtain a living flower from your local florist or grocery store. Sit with your flower of choice in your right hand and, like before, make yourself comfortable. When you are ready, begin to imagine that your flower is sending you some positive energy/properties. Record or write down these properties as they come to you, and receive this positivity with no judgement as you receive and record it. Give yourself time between receipt of these energies/words/images, as they may not all become evident at once. Sit with your flower for a minimum of 5 minutes and let its positive properties be organically received. When you have completed this exercise with your flower, choose another object of nature, such as a crystal, a plant, or even a tree would work well for this purpose. Complete this exercise with such objects to further strengthen your reception.

What is the Purpose?

The purpose of this reception practice is that in your readings for others, they will be contacting you to tell them EXACTLY what you see on their behalf. They will be expecting you to share what it is you are seeing regardless of whether or not you can identify its relevance or meaning. Your client will derive their own meaning from the images and information you are receiving. Spirit will send you exactly what THEY need to hear for THEIR reading. They will be coming to you to act as envoy and vessel on their behalf. There will come a time when you are more advanced during your readings where it is appropriate to filter what you receive, but that is not helpful to us here. It is most important at this time that you learn to let the energy flow. It is OK to feel silly, or that you are making up what you are receiving. The imagination is the primary tool of psychic phenomena. Remember that this is the level of communication you are in the process of attuning yourself to as a psychic/clairvoyant.

You are transforming yourself into a whole new way of being!



Dexter Kendrick

Spiritual Advisor, Doctor of Chinese Metaphysics, Founder of Love911Tarot Psychic Hotline.Need answers?