5 Signs Your Loved Ones Are Contacting You

Dexter Kendrick
4 min readDec 5, 2020

While our loved ones aren’t always trying to get our attention, there are times when they know that their continued love and support for us here can help us through challenging and even special moments in our earthly lives. Here are some ways to tune in and and begin to acknowledge their easily accessible presence:

1. They pop into your head suddenly/randomly.

Having images of your loved one suddenly pop into your mind are common during the initial phase of loss of a beloved. Our loved ones typically linger close to their family and friends for a short time after crossing over, as our thoughts are calling to them. This energy acknowledges and strengthens our connection to them, as well as helps to usher them into the next plane (heaven). Weeks, months, and years after however, thoughts and memories that randomly or suddenly come to mind are their way of telepathically reminding us of their continued presence and concern for our welfare.

2. A Familiar Song Comes On.

When we love someone, they leave an imprint on our lives during the time we share with them. Our loved ones know this and can use some of the most ingenious methods to communicate with us. They can donate some of their energy to a song that you shared a liking for. They can manipulate your energy field so that a book or magazine comes into your world (even casually or in passing). They can even amplify another’s words so that a sentence stands out to you as something your loved one would say. The thing to remember is that ALL LIFE IS ENERGY. How will you know if the song, writing, or phrase is from your loved one to your ears? It will stand out to you and strike a chord in your heart.

3. A TV Show Draws You To Watch It.

Was there a tv show that your beloved used to watch that you couldn’t stand or never cared about? If you find yourself stuck on a channel that is playing a tv show or movie that they loved, and seem not to be able or interested in turning the channel, you are likely spending quality time with their ENERGY. The television functions off of radio waves just like any other electronic device, making it the perfect device for loved one’s energy to connect with yours. Also, our nervous system relaxes significantly while we are engaged in tv programming, thereby allowing us to enter into altered states of consciousness similar to a trance (think “vegging out”). So take that random episode of Murder She Wrote as a sign, and enjoy the reunion!

4. A Familiar Fragrance Sweeps Your Nose

There can be much that flies under our radar about our loved ones when they are a regular presence in our day to day lives. Yet it is true that absence makes the heart grow fonder. I would argue that it also makes the heart grow wiser and more observant. Take a moment to smell the room you’re in right now. There are fragrances that you may have noticed when you walked into the room, that you no longer sense. Our olfactory receptors in our nose fatigue after a few minutes, but the fragrance is no less present. Our loved ones can manipulate the frequency of the odors in our environment so that we pick up fragrant tones that come together to smell like an odour that our brain has associated with that particular person. So the next time you smell Opium or Chanel №5, yet no one else is in the area, say hello!

5. Electrical Disturbances

In case you haven’t noticed, WE ARE ENERGY. From energy we came, and to energy we will inevitably return. Until then, our loved ones sometimes have to get pretty crafty to get our attention. Perhaps they’ve been using some of the more subtle ways of trying to connect and you haven’t paid attention or perhaps you dismissed it as just your imagination. Here’s where they can influence the energy of our living space to communicate with us. Flickering lights, randomly burned out bulbs, TVs turning on or off, other electronic mishaps, etc are all ways to get your attention. The key to knowing if it’s a sign or just a glitch is that it must feel uncanny or not make sense otherwise. Sometimes a burned out light bulb is just a burned out bulb!



Dexter Kendrick

Spiritual Advisor, Doctor of Chinese Metaphysics, Founder of Love911Tarot Psychic Hotline.Need answers? http://linktr.ee/Love911tarot